Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Husband -- the Boy, the Man and the Daddy

More about the man in my life cum reason why I'm in Zurich housewiving and waddling about with a baby in my belly...

Before I came along, Lionel's first love -- his food

(That's my Mummy in the background in her batik housecoat, pullover T-shirt and hotel slippers to keep warm.)

Sunday lunch -- Laksa made from Prima Deli mixes sent with love from Lionel's mum. Fishballs bought from an Asian supermarket here. Luckily Lionel is quite indiscriminate about the quality of his fishballs. Anything round and  mildly fishy counts as fishball. Yellow mee? Nope, that's spaghetti. No quail eggs here (they are deadly overpriced) but a nice chicken egg in each bowl, and a few prawns.

I came out of the shower one night to find Lionel watching "I Am Legend". And this was one of those suspenseful scary-music scenes where a monster was about to jump out from somewhere in the dark. I didn't manage to catch a picture of him peeking at the screen through his fingers though. Observe how tensed his arms are next to his macho fearless built. ;p

Ah.. the Daddy of a man sterilising Gaby's milk bottles and the breast pump parts -- a project I got him started on because Sundays can get really slow moving here if there was no activity of the day.

Lionel ma man set up our first fireplace fire! It's officially autumn in Zurich now. Daily temperatures hover  around 7 degrees these days and our central heating isn't doing much of a good job.

On the right is our very first stash of firewood. We rented a Mobility car over the weekend to buy this two crates of about 20kg of small logs and larger logs. It was quite an experience trying to ask the sales people where the firewood was kept. "Feuerholz" I tried -- a literal translation of fire+wood. Three helpful counter staff directed me to charcoal. Well, we eventually got hold of our firewood. Upon reading up on the englishforum.ch later on, I found out firewood is called "brennholz" -- burning wood.

It was both our first time setting up a fireplace. With completely no scouting experience, Lionel built the fire with the help of WikiHow and other useful internet sites. It's amazing what kind of help and advice you can get off the net nowadays. We natives of tropical weather even needed help getting the safety latch off our BIC lighter.


Anyway, our fire didn't last more than an hour. Better luck next time.

The morning after...

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