Sunday, October 31, 2010


Guess who's FINALLY arrived?

VITAL STATISTICS (for uncles and aunties to buy 4D)

Name: Heng Kaili Gaby
DOB: 31 October 2010
Time of Birth: 04:55 PM

Weight at Birth: 3380 g
Height/Length at Birth: 50 cm

More pictures to come once Mummy and Gaby are more presentable, and Daddy has more time to upload photos...


  1. Congrats! Never expected Gaby to be a Halloween baby. She'll have a fantastic time trick or treating for life! =P

  2. Congrats Ms Chen and Mr Heng! :D Hahahs, heard that Gaby have the same birthday as Mr yandi and it is also a Halloween day! I saw the photos already! Take care! :D ♥

  3. I never noted the date of Halloween until I saw all these comments on Facebook and my blog. Haha..
    And thank you, Yue Fang! Nice to hear from you all the way from Singapore..
