Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Saturday Trip to Luzern (from the Whale's view)

There are always at least two sides to a story. (=

I was craving for something sweet upon our arrival in Luzern. It took what seemed like a long time before I could get my ice-cream, so while Lionel was queuing up for our 2x 32 Francs roundtrip cable car tickets, I started munching on my kweh. It's like the chewy coloured layered kweh you get in Bengawang Solo, only in green and white layers and less lemak (coconuty). I got this the day before from an Asian supermarket near where I take my German classes. Yummy...

It wasn't long before we spotted Ben & Jerry's ice-cream. Oohhh.. I had already satisfied my sweet-item craving, but American Ben & Jerry's in Switzerland? A must have.

Yes, there was this couple who boarded the tiny cable car with us. They were probably very civic-minded and wanted to save space, but arghhers... This reminded me of the time Lionel and I were up the Singapore Flyer during off-peak hours, and we almost had a whole cabin to ourselves, but alas, a giggling teenage girl and two guys obviously both infatuated with her, jumped in with us just before the doors closed. And the cabin after us was totally empty throughout that 15-20 minute ride.

So back to our little cable car, this 4-seater enclosed space was way too small for strangers. There was a lack of oxygen, cool air and well, eye movement comfort.

There! Enough of my photos on Lionel's entry. This is what I see for most of the journey up with Lionel seated opposite me and me trying to keep my gaze on his side so I don't look like I am gazing lovingly at the woman next to him.

Ah.. our journey back down was a lot more comfortable. Look at how contented I am spreading my two pregnant butt cheeks over the spacious bench. (This shot reminds me of Singapore Idol Olinda Cho's "before" picture in the slimming advertisement. All I need is a tight fitting top to show off the spare tyres -- or in this case, the single big bus tyre of Gaby.)

The next shot reminds me of what we did in Sentosa at the MegaZip. I can't wait to get on this once Gaby is out and if there is someone to babysit her while I scare my guts out all over again.

Ah, I much prefer this angle taken in front of the famous tourist attraction, the Kapellbruke. Not that I am the least bit impressed by the bridge, which I feel is very much a tourist trap. Anyway, this shot gives you an update on Gaby's size.

And here's what I love more about the bag -- the back! Can you see the support it has? That wire mesh at the back makes sure there the weight of the bag is well spread out, but without heating up your body. Of course, I love the colour too. I notice I am taking a strong liking to many things in purple and green. Mammut is such a rampant brand here. I see it here as often as I see a Crumpler bag in Singapore. I would not have gotten it if the comfort of the design had not swept me away instantly. A sinful purchase, but I would like to believe it to be a good investment.

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