Monday, April 18, 2011


Dear faithful readers,

As you can see, I have taken a three-month hiatus from writing. It has been hard to get prolonged periods of time to get down to writing ever since Gaby outgrew newbornhood and is now awake for most parts of the day. And during the two naps that she takes, I need to get about my housewiving activities and less attention-intensive "correspondencing" exercises via e-mail and Facebook.

Nevertheless, this blog is NOT dead I assure you. I will be back when Gaby, who now at 5.5months is starting to sit up, can play for longer periods independently. Or when my own Mummy comes back to Zurich and affords me some me-time (akan datang, in July).

Meanwhile, do follow the less wordy updates of Gaby's developments on Lionel's Phanfare photo website -- where I have pretty much overtaken the updating.

The following video, among others, is one of the products of my little me-time that you can find on Lionel's website.